Peaceful Countryside


As a Funeral Bereavement Services company, The Resting Place Pte Ltd (Funeral Service Singapore) seeks to fulfil THE GREAT COMMISSION (Matthew 28:18-20) of The Lord Jesus Christ as HIS Ambassador in the marketplace (2 Corinthians 5:20).  We reach out and minister to the needs of Christian families who have lost their loved ones, while also reaching out to those who need to know about SALVATION and ETERNAL LIFE.

As a former Elder of a Church, I often had to conduct Funeral rites for Church and family members ; and I realized that meaningful services are needed to help family members cope with the Loss of a loved one to give them a living hope and a strength to move on with life.  With The Resting Place, our mission is to provide compassion, care, and biblical counselling, in our services to the bereaved and hope to make a difference in the lives of others.

As Believers and Christians, we take comfort that we have an ETERNAL INHERITANCE and BLESSINGS as promised in Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

We know that “JESUS is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through HIM” (John 14:6).

JESUS assured us that “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says The Lord, thoughts of peace and Not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

With that assurance, we know that “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the House of The Lord forever” (Psalms 23:6)

God wants us to know that we are all precious to HIM.  He loves us very much and thinks about us all the time. “Precious in the sight of The Lord is the death of His Saints.” (Psalms 116: 15)

JESUS also assured us that “I am the Resurrection and the Life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25).


May you be blessed and be encouraged!

Managing Director

About Us

Established in the early 2000s, The Resting Place began its humble journey operating out of an office space in Fook Hai Building located at South Bridge Road. The Founder, having more than 30 years of experience, had left the Construction and Architectural industry and embarked on this challenging call to enter the Bereavement Ministry. (Romans 11:29)
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Latest Updates / Announcements

For latest updates on Covid-19 advisory pertaining to funeral related events

Latest Updates / Announcements




As announced by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce, on  10 August  2021, there will be a gradual lifting of measures of activities which is a calibrated and careful move.  Even as we cross this milestone, we must continue to remain vigilant in the coming months and continue to adhere to the safe management measures to avoid uncontrolled resurgence of cases which could slow or even reverse our progress.  However, activities that take place should continue to limit close contact among individuals, while maintaining hygiene and safe management principles.
The goal is to ensure that efforts taken during the circuit breaker period  are sustained.

  1. Note that vulnerable persons such as the elderly should avoid attending the funeral services / wake for the protection of their own health.
  2. ALL who attend funeral and wakes are advised to wear a mask. The reusable mask issued by the Government for all residents may be worn for this purpose.
  3. Funeral directors, funeral parlor operators and families are urged to comply with the measures. Anyone who fails to comply with Regulation 13B of the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020 may face a fine of up to SGD 10,000 or imprisonment of up to 6 months or both for the first offence. For second and subsequent offences, the penalty is a fine of up to SGD 20,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both.


  1. Should NOT involve more than 30 persons (fewer than 30 if the venue has limited space to ensure safe capacity of the said premises) at any one time (excluding religious workers and other supporting staff, which must be kept to a minimum and limited to essential activities only)
  2. Attendance should be limited to family members as far as possible.
  3. Where seating at a table is provided, every chair for each table must be placed at least one metre away from any other chair for another table at all times. Tables and chairs must be arranged such that each table can accommodate not more than 5 individuals seated at the table or not more than 5 individuals in each group separated by space of at least one metre. There should be no mixing between groups. If seats are fixed to the floor, alternate seats must be demarcated as “seats not to be occupied”.
  4. Attendees for the foot procession on funeral day should be kept to 30 or fewer and, limited to family members are far as possible.
  5. At ALL times, every individual must keep a distance of at least one (1) metre from any other individual, including but not limited to individuals in queues, if any. All attendees at funeral wakes and foot processions must wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least one metre away from any other individual at all times. Where it is not feasible to apply one metre safe distancing between individuals, this one metre requirement can instead be enforced between groups, with each group made up of not more than 5 persons, and with no mixing between groups.  Other safe management measures must also be in place.
  6. NO food and drinks is allowed, whether individually packed or served by the staff at the funeral wakes.


  1. Attendees should be kept to 30 or fewer and, limited to family members are far as possible.
  2. Live band groups, live singing groups, hearse escort personnel are NOT deemed as essential and are NOT allowed to accompany the funeral party.
  3. Entry restriction to Mandai Crematorium will be imposed at the main gate. NEA will issue 30 passes for each cremation application. Only those with valid NEA-issued passes will be allowed into the main gate of the complex.
  4. It is MANDATORY for face masks to be worn at ALL times.
  5. ALL attendees are to maintain at least one (1) metre distance from one another. Where it is not feasible to apply one metre safe distancing between individuals, this one metre requirement can instead be enforced between groups, with each group made up of not more than 5 persons, and with no mixing between groups. Other safe management measures must also be in place.
  6. Attendees of funeral events should minimise their interaction with fellow attendees and leave the premise immediately after the event.
  7. NO buffet set-up or post-event reception with food and drinks is allowed.


  1. Burials at Choa Chu Kang Cemetery, attendees are to abide by safe distancing measures.
  2. Live band groups, live singing groups, hearse escort personnel are NOT deemed as essential and are NOT allowed to accompany the funeral party.
  3. Entry restriction to Choa Chu Kang Cemetery will be imposed. NEA will issue 30 passes for each burial application. Only persons with passes will be allowed at the burial block.
  4. It is MANDATORY for face masks to be worn at ALL times.
  5. ALL attendees are to maintain at least one (1) metre distance from one another. Where it is not feasible to apply one metre safe distancing between individuals, this one metre requirement can instead be enforced between groups, with each group made up of not more than 5 persons, and with no mixing between groups. Other safe management measures must also be in place.
  6. Attendees of burials should minimise their interactions with fellow attendees and leave the premise immediately after the event.
  7. NO buffet set-up or post-event reception with food and drinks is allowed.


  1. Passengers are to abide by safe distancing measures.
  2. Attendees onboard ferry/boat for ash scattering at sea will be limited to no more than 10 persons (excluding master/crew employed to operate the craft, religious and funeral staff).
  3. There can be up to 2 groups, and  the size of each group is subject to the prevailing restriction on group size (i.e. 5 per group).
  4. It is MANDATORY for face masks to be worn at ALL times.
  5. NO intermingling between groups is allowed.
  6. NO food and drinks is allowed.
  7. NO live music is allowed.


At TRP, inline with the government’s regulation and advisory, we have also implemented the following measures at the funeral wakes.  We do apologise if there is any inconvenience caused:

  • Temperature Screening and recording at wake locations as well as at
    the crematorium
  • Contact tracing via SafeEntry at wake location(s)
  • Table and Seating Arrangements at wake location(s)
  • Controlled entry and exits at wake locations

Other additional measures that TRP has undertaken is the disinfecting of its equipment.


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Reflections - From the Desk of the Managing Director

“Reflections”, is a collection of thoughts, biblical teachings on subject matters that are close to our hearts. We do hope that such reflections will bring comfort to you.

“The passing on of a dear one is never a pleasant thing to all of us and sometimes it brings about traumatic experiences and painful memories which are not easily forgotten.” ~ excerpt from A Gentle Reminder of God’s Invitation
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